MARCH 30, 2022


    I love photoshop. As I am still learning, the only way to get better and improve my skills is by practicing. I also love movies and movie posters, so I decided to put together this love and the love of photoshop. I have been making movie posters for different life events. I started with making some for my mission. I served in the Philippines and Virginia. I have remade posters for a few of my favorite movies, and most recently I decided to make posters for my first two semesters here at BYU-I. I will be submitting a poster I made for my second semester; I titled this project: “BYUI VOL. 2” There are a lot of things I am still working through and learning. One thing I wanted to focus on for this project is learning to make some sort of atmosphere in the background landscape. Learning to do fog/ mist is very difficult.


    After many attempts, and trials and errors I finished the project. “BYUI VOL. 2” is completed. I think it does well to include a few of the things I enjoyed most about this semester. I also made it an important factor to include each of my roommates, my girlfriend, and my roommate’s fiancé. All of these people played a huge role in making this semester so much fun, and arguably the best semester. This poster will make a nice addition to my collection of life event posters.


    I began with gathering photos of all the people I wished to include. I started on the painstaking process of cutting each of the subjects out of their background. I put a frame on the poster, a title approximately where I wanted it and I then began to place and arranged the cut-out figures of my friends in a way that fit and was pleasing to the eye. Having an eye for good arrangements is difficult and something I am still improving upon, but I think this one turned out well. Next, I started to construct a background and a foreground, placing scenes from locations I have gone to throughout the semester, and objects that I found relevant. I went for a snowy vibe as this was winter semester and there was a lot of snow. I next needed to begin to match the colors, which is very difficult, and add shadows to make things fit the environment a little more. Finally, I did a final Camera Raw Filter to even more blend everything together to create the final product, “BYUI VOL. 2”


    There was a lot learned throughout this process. I made so many layers it was very tiring, I felt unorganized  and limited by my computers capacity. Some of my biggest learnings were on atmosphere, haze/ fog, and lighting. All of these aspects are very important to make a realistic image, and the are each very difficult. An artistic eye is needed to be able to see where to apply the mentioned aspects. My eye for these is still developing and this project helped. There I things I would change for next time as I make my next poster. I would change my approach to the fog and I would try to make a more dynamic lighting scene to make the overall poster more interesting and contrasty. Overall I like the poster, I wish I changed a few things, and fixed a few details here and there, but I am happy with it. As longs as I put effort into the project, I find I am usually pleased with it, especially if it has special meaning like this one does.

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